Manduka Yoga Mats

I love yoga, and as such, I am always on the lookout for quality yoga mats. The other day, I discovered that Manduka has some of the best mats on the market! Their website states it is the, “#1 mat recommended by yoga teachers worldwide.” It is “easy to clean, hygienic, has a closed-cell surface, and is available in various lengths and colors.” And, better yet, it has a “lifetime of the mat” guarantee. They guarantee their mats (excluding the extra-large multipurpose) will make it for about 10 years of regular use. So, if your mat is failing you before ten years are up (and you are not to blame), you should expect your money back.

It’s important to note that Manduka’s mats are on the pricier side, with their 6mm mat starting out at $138. If you are someone who does yoga a few times a year, there is probably no need to get such a high-quality mat, in all honesty. However, if you are someone who regularly practices yoga, this would be a great investment! 

For their Pro mats, they even guarantee a replacement when your old one, “wears out past its useful life from regular use. . .” So, while the initial investment might be a little high, you are essentially guaranteed two durable and high quality mats to practice yoga on for 20 years! That is a great deal if you ask us! All in all, that is why Manduka’s mats are included on our list of best lifetime warranties.

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